Monday, January 28, 2013


We have been making our way through "Bones" on Netflix off and on for the last year.  We just got to season 7.  And you know what is stupid?  They spend 6 seasons building up the sexual  tension between Booth and Brennan.  All the while, she insists she would never want to have children.  And after one illicit (apparently unprotected night which a hyper rational woman would never do) night, she's pregnant.  And suddenly they're in a relationship and living together and she doesn't seem to have any conflict about it at all.  Dumb.


  1. Confession: I hate hate HATE this part of Bones. Love Bones, hated this plot device. And I also kind of hated the whole season where Bones is pregnant. Angela was just pregnant for a whole season and then Bones was pregnant for a whole season. That's far too much baby talk in my crime drama shows, thankyouverymuch. ;)


    1. I think the same thing. I feel like they did it just to go along with Brennan's real-life pregnancy. And you can't just do away with all that tension with no pay off. "We can never be together" to "You're pregnant; let's live together!" just weirds me out.
