Thursday, April 25, 2013

*Hanging head in shame*

I might as well just say it.  I got back on facebook.

I missed my people from my former life.  I missed my former "family," and facebook is the only place all of them are accessible to me now.  I still think everything I thought about facebook before.

So this time, I'm going to be more judicious with the time I spend on it.  And I'm not going to allow other people's vitriol into my life.  I'm going to use the hide button much more liberally.

So there.


  1. My satisfaction went WAY up when I realized I could hide people's gun-control arguments without unfriending them.

  2. The "hide" button is my favorite feature. Glad to have you back.

  3. Huzzah!! We've missed you. :D On the nerdy note, I love the Hide feature, as well as limited who can even see what I share, and who shows up in my feed. Very nice way to stay in touch with only those I want. :D it's totally acceptable to be snobbish.
